Product of 3-digit smallest number and the smallest even number is:
(B) 2000
(D) 1980
(A) 1000
(C) 4000<

Product of 3-digit smallest number and the smallest even number is:
(B) 2000
(D) 1980
(A) 1000
(C) 4000
(E) None of these​

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2 thoughts on “<br />Product of 3-digit smallest number and the smallest even number is:<br />(B) 2000<br />(D) 1980<br />(A) 1000<br />(C) 4000<”

  1. Answer:

    (E) None of these

    as,3-digit smallest number is 100 and smallest even no. is 2 so the ans. should be 200

    plz mark me as brainliest

  2. Answer:

    option (B ) 2000 is the answer.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    since the smallest 3 digit number is 100 and smallest even number is 2.

    plse mark me as BRAINLIST...


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