If 7 cats kill 7 rats in 7 minutes how many would be needed to kill hundred rats in fifty minutes?

If 7 cats kill 7 rats in 7 minutes how many would be needed to kill hundred rats in fifty minutes?

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2 thoughts on “If 7 cats kill 7 rats in 7 minutes how many would be needed to kill hundred rats in fifty minutes?”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    100 rats in 50 min = 100 × 2

    = 200 cats

    have a great day ahead …



  2. Answer:

    Seven cats kill seven rats in seven minutes which means 1 cat will kill 1 rat in one minute.

    Cats required to kill 100 rats = 100 cats

    Cats required to kill 100 rats in 50 minutes = 100 × 2cats

    = 200 cats


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