a well with 14 inside diameter is dug 8m deep. the earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 21m to

a well with 14 inside diameter is dug 8m deep. the earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 21m to form an embarkment .find the height of the embarkment

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1 thought on “a well with 14 inside diameter is dug 8m deep. the earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 21m to”

  1. Given

    • Diameter = 14m
    • Radius = 7m
    • Depth = 8m
    • Let Height of embankment = Xm

    To find

    • Height of the embankment ?


    Volume of earth dug out from well = [tex]\sf{\red{πr²}} [/tex]

    ➲ [tex] \frac{22}{7} [/tex]× 7 × 7 × 8

    [tex]\boxed{\text{→ 1232m³}}[/tex]

    The earth Spread out of width = 21m

    Area × h = 1232

    [tex]\boxed{\text{➲π(R²-r²)h = 1232 }}[/tex]

    [tex] \frac{22}{7} [/tex](28²-7²)h = 1232

    ➲[tex] \frac{22}{7} [/tex](735)h= 1232

    ➲h = [tex] \frac{1232×7}{22×735} [/tex]

    ➲h = [tex] \frac{8624}{16170} [/tex]

    [tex]\boxed{\text{ ➲h = 0.533m }}[/tex]

    [tex]\boxed{\text{➲h = 53.3cm }}[/tex]

    Height of embankment is 53.3cm


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