A Line passing through origin and it
perpendicular to two given
lines 2x+y+6=0 and 4x +2y-9
The ratio

A Line passing through origin and it
perpendicular to two given
lines 2x+y+6=0 and 4x +2y-9
The ratio in
in which the
the origin divides
this line, is​

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2 thoughts on “A Line passing through origin and it <br />perpendicular to two given<br />lines 2x+y+6=0 and 4x +2y-9 <br />The ratio”

  1. Answer:

    2x+y=-6 let equation 1

    4x+2y=9 let equation 2

    from equation 1 ,

    we get,

    y=-6-2x let equation 3

    put the value of y in equation 2

    we get,

    x = 3

    put the value of x in equation 3

    the value of y= 12

    we get two points

    1) (3,12)

    2) (0,0)

    By using section formula,



    let the ratio be k:1

    the ratio will be 1:1


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