*75% या शतमानातील गुणोत्तराला संक्षिप्त रूप द्या.*

1️⃣ 4:3
2️⃣ 2:4
3️⃣ 3:4
4️⃣ 4:2

*75% या शतमानातील गुणोत्तराला संक्षिप्त रूप द्या.*

1️⃣ 4:3
2️⃣ 2:4
3️⃣ 3:4
4️⃣ 4:2

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2 thoughts on “*75% या शतमानातील गुणोत्तराला संक्षिप्त रूप द्या.*<br /><br /> 1️⃣ 4:3<br /> 2️⃣ 2:4<br /> 3️⃣ 3:4<br /> 4️⃣ 4:2”

  1. Given:


    To find:

    convert this given percentage into simplest form of a ratio.

    Solution :

    • Percentage mean by 100. The symbol of the percentage is %.
    • In order to convert the percentage into ratio, first, write the given number as a percentage then reduce the fraction in its lowest terms.

    => 75%

    [tex]=> \dfrac{75}{100}[/tex]

    Dividing by 25

    [tex]=> \dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]

    Now, write the lowest fraction as a ratio:

     [tex]=> \dfrac{3}{4} = 3 : 4[/tex]

    Hence, the simplest form of 75% is 3/4

  2. Given :- 75% convert this given percentage into simplest form of ratio ?

    Solution :-

    we know that ,

    • a% = (a/100)


    → 75% = (75/100)

    → 75% = (25 * 3) / (25 * 4)

    → 75% = (3/4)


    → 75% = 3 : 4 . (Option 3) (Ans.)

    Hence, Simplest form of ratio of 75% is equal to 3 : 4 .

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