1. A farmer borrowed * 20000 for 2 years
at the rat: of 12% per annum from a
bank. How much will he have to pay

1. A farmer borrowed * 20000 for 2 years
at the rat: of 12% per annum from a
bank. How much will he have to pay
after two years?​

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1 thought on “1. A farmer borrowed * 20000 for 2 years<br />at the rat: of 12% per annum from a<br />bank. How much will he have to pay<br />aft”

  1. Explanation:

    [tex]{\large{\sf{\fbox{\red{Given:➝}}}}} \\ [/tex]

    • P = Rs. 20000
    • T = 2 years
    • R = 12%

    [tex] \\ \\ {\large{\sf{\fbox{\red{To find:➝}}}}} \\ [/tex]

    Amount he will have to pay after two years.

    [tex] \\ \\ {\large{\sf{\fbox{\red{Solution:➝}}}}} \\ [/tex]

    [tex]{\bold{\sf{ Simple \: Interest \: = \: \frac{P×R×T}{100}}}}[/tex]

    [tex]{\bold{\sf{ Simple \: Interest \: = \: \frac{20000×12×2}{100}}}}[/tex]

    [tex]{\bold{\sf{ Simple \: Interest \: = \: Rs. 4800}}}[/tex]

    [tex] \\ {\bold{\sf{\fbox{\orange{ Amount = S.I + P}}}}} \\ [/tex]

    [tex]{\bold{\sf{→ \: Amount \: = \: 4800 + 20000}}}[/tex]

    [tex]{\bold{\sf{→ \: Amount \: = \: Rs. 24800}}}[/tex]

    [tex] \\ \\ {\bold{\mathcal{\blue{Thus, \: farmer \: have \: to \: pay \: Rs. 24800 \: after \: 2 \: years}}}}[/tex]


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