Q. What is Mathematics?

how ale you all fliends?
what ale you doing?
ale mujhse

Q. What is Mathematics?

how ale you all fliends?
what ale you doing?
ale mujhse toi baat tyu ni kalta?
baat ni kalni hai to mat kalo pal thanks or fol.low dedo reeeeee.​

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2 thoughts on “Q. What is Mathematics?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />how ale you all fliends?<br />what ale you doing?<br />ale mujhse”

  1. Answer:

    the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts ( pure mathematics ), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).

    “a taste for mathematics”

    the mathematical aspects of something.

    plural noun: mathematics

    “James immerses himself in the mathematics of baseball”

    Step-by-step explanation:

    hi i am fine you say

    please mark me as brainlist

  2. [tex]\huge\mathcal\colorbox{yellow}{{\color{b}{✏♡ᗩᘉSᘺᘿᖇ…☆}}} [/tex]

    Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes and patterns.

    [tex]\huge{\fcolorbox{yellow}{red}{\large{\fcolorbox{blue}{yellow}{{\fcolorbox{pink}{Gold}{I Hope this could help u!}}}}}} [/tex]



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