Prove that the real number

2 +
√5 is not rational.l​

Prove that the real number

2 +
√5 is not rational.l​

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2 thoughts on “Prove that the real number<br />√<br /> 2 +<br /> √5 is not rational.l​”

  1. √2 + √5

    √2 value is 1.414..

    √5 value is 2.236…


    = 3.65..

    it has a repeating decimal

    °°°° there fore it’s irrational number

    if it helps you drop a thanks

  2. Answer:

    Mark my answer as brainlist

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Prove that (root 2 + root 5 ) is irrational

    Given: √2+√5

    We need to prove√2+√5 is an irrational number.


    Let us assume that √2+√5 is a rational number.

    A rational number can be written in the form of p/q where p,q are integers and q≠0

    √2+√5 = p/q

    On squaring both sides we get,

    (√2+√5)² = (p/q)²

    √2²+√5²+2(√5)(√2) = p²/q²

    2+5+2√10 = p²/q²

    7+2√10 = p²/q²

    2√10 = p²/q² – 7

    √10 = (p²-7q²)/2q

    p,q are integers then (p²-7q²)/2q is a rational number.

    Then √10 is also a rational number.

    But this contradicts the fact that √10 is an irrational number.

    Our assumption is incorrect

    √2+√5 is an irrational number.

    Hence proved.


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