Read the questions and write answers in about 100-120 words as per instruction given:
1. Yo

Read the questions and write answers in about 100-120 words as per instruction given:
1. You were one among a group of students who represented your state in a national
youth exchange programme. It was an eye opener which made you realise the
spirit of unity in diversity Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in 100
120 words on the importance of National Integration. You are Maya/Mohan,
Rampur Road, Rareily.

About the author

2 thoughts on “<br />→ LEITER TO THE EDITOR<br />Read the questions and write answers in about 100-120 words as per instruction given:<br />1. Yo”

  1. Hydrochloric acid, also known as muriatic acid, is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride. It is a colorless solution with a distinctive pungent smell. It is classified as a strong acid. It is a component of the gastric acid in the digestive systems of most animal species, including humans. WikipediaFormula: HCl


    Thanks for follow meh..xD

  2. 4, Rampur Road


    20 July, 20xx

    The Editor

    The Times of India


    Subject : The Importance of National Integration.

    Sir I would request you to allow me some space in your esteemed daily to highlight the importance of National Integration in our locality. I request you to publish my concern in public interest. India is a country where diversity plays a vital role. The Indian population comprises many different races, religions, cultures and languages. Fostering national unity among everyone is the most difficult task in India today. Citizens of our country seem to have forgotten that unity is strength.

    Thus, National Integration is the need of the hour. People should be educated on this topic. And who would be a better audience than the youth ? Through schools and colleges, the young men and women should be taught that India is one and the differences are only superficial. For this, the textbooks should be suitably revised. Moreover, exchange programmes should be taken up to give the youth the chance to meet and grow an acquaintanceship with others and their cultures. This will make the youth understand how even diversity brings us close.

    Such programmes should lay emphasis upon the oneness of the people, rather than the differences. For this, media can also be a good medium to effectively educate the youth and develop national consciousness.

    Thanking you

    Your sincerely



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