(IV) quadrant
18.At a Ramzan Mela, a stall keeper in one of the food stalls has a large cylindrical vessel of
base radiu

(IV) quadrant
18.At a Ramzan Mela, a stall keeper in one of the food stalls has a large cylindrical vessel of
base radius 15 cm filled up to a height of 35 cm with the orange juice. The juice is filled in
small cylindrical glasses of radius 3cm up to a height of 7 cm, sold for 3 each. (4)
(a) Calculate the circumference of the cylindrical vessel.
(i) 94.82cm
(ii) 94.28cm
(iii) 49.82cm
(iv) 49.82cm
(b) Write down the formula fi​

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1 thought on “(IV) quadrant<br />18.At a Ramzan Mela, a stall keeper in one of the food stalls has a large cylindrical vessel of<br />base radiu”

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