in a school there are 5 extra curricular groups at school they are fitters joiners photography chess and Choral groups the feature

in a school there are 5 extra curricular groups at school they are fitters joiners photography chess and Choral groups the features groups meet the other day the joiner every third day the photographic every fourth their the chess every fifth the Coral every 635 group’s first meet on January 1st and 4th meeting was held according to a schedule
question is how many time did all five groups meet on the same day in first quarter​

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2 thoughts on “in a school there are 5 extra curricular groups at school they are fitters joiners photography chess and Choral groups the feature”

  1. Answer:

    in a school there are 5 extra curricular groups at school they are fitters joiners photography chess and Choral groups the features groups meet the other day the joiner every third day the photographic every fourth their the chess every fifth the Coral every 635 group’s first meet on January 1st and 4th meeting was held according to a schedule

    question is how many time did all five groups meet on the same day in first quarter


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