If 36×2 is divisible by 4 , where x is a digit , found the value of x
step by step please will be marked brainliest

By Iris

If 36×2 is divisible by 4 , where x is a digit , found the value of x
step by step please will be marked brainliest

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1 thought on “If 36×2 is divisible by 4 , where x is a digit , found the value of x <br /> step by step please will be marked brainliest”

  1. Answer:

    We know that the divisibility condition for 9 is that the sum of the digits must be 9 or a multiple of 9

    So, the sum of digits in the given problem =15+x is divisible 9

    ⟹15+x=0 or 9 or 18 and so on




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