if, X²¹+21 is divided by X+1, find the remainder. plz help me i need the answer quick ​

if, X²¹+21 is divided by X+1, find the remainder. plz help me i need the answer quick ​

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1 thought on “if, X²¹+21 is divided by X+1, find the remainder. plz help me i need the answer quick ​”

  1. Answer:

    remiander = 21

    Step-by-step explanation:

    x^21+21 gets divided by x+1 as


    x+1*x^20 = x^21 + x^20 +21, now remainder is x^20+21

    then we multiply x+1*x^19= x^20+x^19+21 , now remainder is x^19 +21

    then we go on and on till we get as remainder x^2+21

    then the quotient will be x and then the the answer will be x^2+x+21 and then x divides x^2 and when 1*x , the remainder is 21


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