if x^2 is a factor of ax^4 +
bx^3+ cx² +dx+e show that
a+c+e = b+d=0​

if x^2 is a factor of ax^4 +
bx^3+ cx² +dx+e show that
a+c+e = b+d=0​

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2 thoughts on “if x^2 is a factor of ax^4 +<br />bx^3+ cx² +dx+e show that<br />a+c+e = b+d=0​”

  1. Answer:

    if x^2 is a factor of ax^4 +

    bx^3+ cx² +dx+e show that

    a+c+e = b+d=0​

    Step-by-step explanation:

    bring out the phase


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