Give some examples where we use natural numbers .For example:the numbers of friends who play with you​

Give some examples where we use natural numbers .For example:the numbers of friends who play with you​

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2 thoughts on “Give some examples where we use natural numbers .For example:the numbers of friends who play with you​”

  1. Examples of natural numbers are as follows

    • Age of any person can be denoted by natural numbers. Eg. 11 years old, 45 years old etc.
    • Obtained marks of an examination can be denoted by natural numbers. Eg. 50 out of 100, 90 out of 100 etc.
    • Velocity of any vehicle can be expressed by natural numbers. Eg. 100 km/hr, 200 km/hr etc.
    • Date of a particular day can be expressed by natural numbers. Eg. 23rd May, 10th January etc.

    And many more.


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