find the perimeter of a semicircle includin its diameter (diameter=10cm​

find the perimeter of a semicircle includin its diameter (diameter=10cm​

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1 thought on “find the perimeter of a semicircle includin its diameter (diameter=10cm​”

  1. [tex]\bold{\underline{\underline{☘Explanation}}}[/tex]

    First of all we will find the radius

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]2 ÷ 10[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]5[/tex]

    So the radius = 5 cm

    Now we will find the perimeter/circumference

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]Perimeter \: of \: semicircle \: = [tex]\frac{perimeter \: of \: a \: circle}{2}[/tex] + 10

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]5 × 3.14 × 10[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]15.70 + 10[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]25.70cm[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]Therefore \: the \: perimeter \: = \: 25.70cm[/tex]


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