Find the area of pathway of width 3m running around the field of leangth 20cm and breath 15m.​

Find the area of pathway of width 3m running around the field of leangth 20cm and breath 15m.​

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1 thought on “Find the area of pathway of width 3m running around the field of leangth 20cm and breath 15m.​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Length of rectangular park=125m, breadth of rectangular park=65m and width of the path=3m

    Length of rectangular park with path=125+3+3=131m

    Breadth of rectangular park with path=65+3+3=71m

    ∴ Area of path = Area of park with path−Area of park without path






    Thus, area of path around the park is 1,176m




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