find how many litre of water will a cuboidal fish tank contain if its length breadth and height are 1 m , 40 cm and 50 cm​

find how many litre of water will a cuboidal fish tank contain if its length breadth and height are 1 m , 40 cm and 50 cm​

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2 thoughts on “find how many litre of water will a cuboidal fish tank contain if its length breadth and height are 1 m , 40 cm and 50 cm​”

  1. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Hi ,

    Dimensions of the cuboidal fish tank :

    length = l = 1 m = 100 cm

    breadth = b = 40 cm

    height = h = 50 cm

    Volume of the tank ( V ) = lbh

    V = 100 cm × 40cm × 50 cm

    V = 200000 cm³

    V = 200000 × 1/1000 litres

    V = 200 litres

    Therefore ,

    Capacity of the water tank = 200 litres

    I hope this helps you.

    : )

  2. Answer:

    • 200 litres


    Dimensions of the cuboidal fish tank :

    • length = l = 1 m = 100 cm
    • breadth = b = 40 cm
    • height = h = 50 cm


    Volume of the tank ( V ) = lbh

    • => V = 100 cm × 40cm × 50 cm
    • => V = 200000 cm³
    • => V = 200000 × 1/1000 litres

    V = 200 litres

    Therefore ,

    Capacity of the water tank = 200 litres

    I hope this helps you. !!


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