factories the expression and divide them as directed.(5p²-30p+25)÷(p-1)​

factories the expression and divide them as directed.(5p²-30p+25)÷(p-1)​

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1 thought on “factories the expression and divide them as directed.(5p²-30p+25)÷(p-1)​”

  1. Answer:

    (5p^2 – 25p + 20) 5(p – 4) 5p^2 – 25p + 20 = 5(p^2 – 5p + 4) = 5[p^2 – 4p – p + 4] = 5[p(p – 1) – 4(p – 1)] = 5[(p – 1)(p – 4)] (5p^2 – 25p + 20) (p –


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