emulsion bases release the
medicament more readily than
emulsion bases and bases
O w/o veaginous
Oo, oleaginou

emulsion bases release the
medicament more readily than
emulsion bases and bases
O w/o veaginous
Oo, oleaginous
O cos emulsion
O wi, memulsion​

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1 thought on “emulsion bases release the<br />medicament more readily than<br />emulsion bases and bases<br />O w/o veaginous<br />Oo, oleaginou”

  1. Answer:

    Ointments are semisolid preparations that incorporate a lipid or hydrophobic excipient and are intended for external application to the skin or other muco-sal membranes. An ointment usually contains <20% water and other volatile ingredients, such as ethanol, and >50% hydrocarbons, waxes, or polyols. Ointments are designed to soften or melt at body temperature, spread eas-ily, and have a smooth, nongritty feel. Ointments are typically used as (1) emollients to make the skin more pliable, (2) protective barriers to prevent harmful substances from coming in contact with the skin, and (3) vehicles for hydrophobic drugs.


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