any trick to simply calculate the product of numbers having one no. multiple of 11 or 11, like 67 x 11 or 89 x 22??​

any trick to simply calculate the product of numbers having one no. multiple of 11 or 11, like 67 x 11 or 89 x 22??​

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2 thoughts on “any trick to simply calculate the product of numbers having one no. multiple of 11 or 11, like 67 x 11 or 89 x 22??​”

  1. Answer:

    67×11=737 by ma’am I will get back to move on to the next level of the train station at 6 40 to a line and let them know and boys and see me when you’re the one who r and I didn’t get a line to move to the next one is supposed to move on to the next one is at the railway station at 1940 and I will start the process of getting the train station at 6 40 to move on to the next one is at the railway to the train and see how much the next day and boys and see me when you’re done with your meeting with a line of what they didn’t send on the button on to move forward with your mom to

  2. Step-by-step explanation:

    There is a trick i know to calculate the product of numbers with multiples of 11 or 11

    let us take an example u gave ….

    67 × 11

    take unit digit of the answer as 7 and final digit as 6 . now the sum of 6 and 7 in middle which is 13 . so 1 will go to carry and it will become 737..

    another example …45 × 11

    take 5 as unit digit of answer and 7 as final digit and the sum 9 in the middle . so it will become 495.

    example to multiply numbers with multiples of 11

    all the steps are same just at the end we have to multiply our answer with that no. which comes in the table of 11.

    like 23 × 22

    split it , it will become 23 × 11 × 2

    23 × 11 is 253 now 253 × 2 which is 506.

    hope this will be helpful to you …


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