Ajay is younger than Vijay by 5 years. Sum of their ages is 25 years. What is Ajay’s age?​

Ajay is younger than Vijay by 5 years. Sum of their ages is 25 years. What is Ajay’s age?​

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1 thought on “Ajay is younger than Vijay by 5 years. Sum of their ages is 25 years. What is Ajay’s age?​”

  1. [tex]\huge \fbox \green{Answer:}[/tex]

    [tex]Let \: the \: age \: of \: Ajay \: be = x[/tex]

    [tex]: Age \: of \: Vijay = x + 5[/tex]

    [tex]\sf \colorbox{pink} {\red✎Now According to the Question -}[/tex]

    [tex](x) + (x + 5) = 25[/tex]

    [tex]⇒x + x + 5 = 25[/tex]

    [tex]⇒2x + 5 = 25[/tex]

    [tex]⇒2x = 25 – 5[/tex]

    [tex]⇒x = 10[/tex]

    Hence Answer is 10

    [tex] \\ \\ \\ \\ \sf \colorbox{gold} {\red(ANSWER ᵇʸ ⁿᵃʷᵃᵇ⁰⁰⁰⁸}[/tex]


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