ago No. :
Date :
A metallic sphere og radius 4.2cm is
Imelted and die cast into shape
cylinder og radi

ago No. :
Date :
A metallic sphere og radius 4.2cm is
Imelted and die cast into shape
cylinder og radius fom find the height
of the cylinder ?​

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1 thought on “ago No. :<br />Date :<br />20<br />A metallic sphere og radius 4.2cm is<br />Imelted and die cast into shape<br />cylinder og radi”

  1. Answer:

    We see many things in the world around us. They can be divided into two groups:

    living things and non-living.

    Living Things

    Human beings, plants, animals and birds are living things.

    Non-Living Things

    Tables, chairs, toys, hills and vehicles are non-living things.

    Living things

    Living things are different from non-living things in many ways.

    All living things grow.

    An infant grows into an adult (man or woman); a seed grows into a big tree.

    All living things need food to eat and water to drink.

    Step-by-step explanation:



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