after mitotic cell division a female human cell will have
(a) 44 +xx chromosomes
(b) 44 +xy chromosomes
(c) 22 +

By Luna

after mitotic cell division a female human cell will have
(a) 44 +xx chromosomes
(b) 44 +xy chromosomes
(c) 22 + x chromosomes
(d) 22 + y chromosomes

Please give right answer​

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2 thoughts on “after mitotic cell division a female human cell will have<br />(a) 44 +xx chromosomes <br />(b) 44 +xy chromosomes <br />(c) 22 +”

  1. Answer:

    a) 44+ xx chromosomes


    in mitosis the daughter cell has same number of chromosomes as the mother has and in female there are 46 chromosomes 44 + xx in males the chromoses are 44 + xy


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