A wall clock takes 4 sec to chime twice at 2 pm. How long does the clock take to chime 4times at 4pm??

A wall clock takes 4 sec to chime twice at 2 pm. How long does the clock take to chime 4times at 4pm??

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2 thoughts on “A wall clock takes 4 sec to chime twice at 2 pm. How long does the clock take to chime 4times at 4pm??”

  1. Answer:

    12 seconds for 4 time chime

    Mark me brainliest and flw me

    Step-by-step explanation:

    If it takes 4 seconds to complete twice chime at 2pm

    ” Then Remember”

    The first strike occurs at zero time. Therefore the time to complete the remaining chimes is 4sec per chime


    Per shime = 4sec

    And At 4pm the first strike occurs again at zero time

    and the remaining 3 chimes will be completed in 12 seconds

    (3x 4 seconds per chime= 12 )

    All the best

    Mark me brainliest and flw


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