A shopkeeper buys rice from wholesaler @ 30% discount on marked price if shopkeeper gives discount of 20% on marked price while se

By Rose

A shopkeeper buys rice from wholesaler @ 30% discount on marked price if shopkeeper gives discount of 20% on marked price while selling the same rice find net profit or loss percentage

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1 thought on “A shopkeeper buys rice from wholesaler @ 30% discount on marked price if shopkeeper gives discount of 20% on marked price while se”

  1. Answer:

    Let p be the marked price

    He buys at p(1-.3)=0.7p price

    He sells at p(1-.2)=0.8p

    He gains =0.8p-0.7p =0.1p

    % profit=(0.1p/0.7p)×100=100/7=14.3%


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