A farmer Sold His food grains which costs ₹ 9200 though an agent. for this transaction he has to pay 2.5 % Commission. how much am

By Rose

A farmer Sold His food grains which costs ₹ 9200 though an agent. for this transaction he has to pay 2.5 % Commission. how much amount will farmer get ?


1. 230
2. 9197.5
3. 18970
4. 8970​

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1 thought on “A farmer Sold His food grains which costs ₹ 9200 though an agent. for this transaction he has to pay 2.5 % Commission. how much am”

  1. Answer:

    ratio of his age to his son’s age is 6:1. Four years ago these

    ratios were 11 : 14 and 11:1respectively. The ratio of the age of the grandfather to that of the grandson 12 years from

    now will be:



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