A can of milk has 201 450 ml of milk. Another can has
18 1800 ml. How much milk is there in the two cans
altogether, 19

A can of milk has 201 450 ml of milk. Another can has
18 1800 ml. How much milk is there in the two cans
altogether, 191 and 350 ml milk was sold. Then how
much milk left in the can?​

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1 thought on “A can of milk has 201 450 ml of milk. Another can has<br />18 1800 ml. How much milk is there in the two cans<br />altogether, 19”

  1. First Can = 201450 ml

    Second Can = 181800 ml

    Total Milk = 383250 ml

    Mlik sold = 191 + 350

    = 541 ml

    Milk left = 383250 541

    = 382709 ml


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