write a dairy entry. you are anne frank.write in your dairy about the incident that happened in your class with mr. keesing

write a dairy entry. you are anne frank.write in your dairy about the incident that happened in your class with mr. keesing

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2 thoughts on “write a dairy entry. you are anne frank.write in your dairy about the incident that happened in your class with mr. keesing<br /><”

  1. Answer:

    above 3 pics were there according to the dairy entry..


    enti annaya matladadamey manesav


  2. Answer:

    Diary of Anne Frank

    Question 1: What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

    Answer: Writing a diary is a strange experience for Anne Frank because of two reasons. The first reason is she has not written anything before. The second reason is the apparent disinterest which most of the people would show in musings of a thirteen year old girl.

    Question 2: Why does Anne want to keep a diary?

    Answer: She needs some channel through which she can get off all the burden and pain she is suffering from. Hence, she wants to keep a diary. Anne Frank is also searching for a friend in the form of her diary.


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