[tex]15y = 2x – 4[/tex]
find x and y and solve this equation with steps​

[tex]15y = 2x – 4[/tex]
find x and y and solve this equation with steps​

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1 thought on “<br />[tex]15y = 2x – 4[/tex]<br />find x and y and solve this equation with steps​”

  1. Answer:

    y=1.25y x=0.3333333333

    Step-by-step explanation:


    12x + -15y = 4


    12x + -15y = 4

    Solving for variable ‘x’.

    Move all terms containing x to the left, all other terms to the right.

    Add ’15y’ to each side of the equation.

    12x + -15y + 15y = 4 + 15y

    Combine like terms: -15y + 15y = 0

    12x + 0 = 4 + 15y

    12x = 4 + 15y

    Divide each side by ’12’.

    x = 0.3333333333 + 1.25y


    x = 0.3333333333 + 1.25y


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