12 Men or 15 women can do a piece of
work in 21 days. Find the number of days
required to complete the same work by 6

12 Men or 15 women can do a piece of
work in 21 days. Find the number of days
required to complete the same work by 6
men and 10 women.

1). 15
2). 18
3). 21
4). 24

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1 thought on “12 Men or 15 women can do a piece of<br />work in 21 days. Find the number of days<br />required to complete the same work by 6<b”

  1. Answer:

    18 days.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    12 men take 21 days to complete a piece of work. 1 man takes (12 × 21) = 252 days.

    15 women take 21 days to complete a piece of work. 1 woman takes (15 × 21) = 315 days.

    In 1 day, 1 man does (1/252) of the work.

    In 1 day, 1 woman does (1/315) of the work.

    In 1 day, 6 men and 10 women can do 6(1/252) + 10(1/315) = (1/18) of the work.

    (1/18) of the work done in 1 day.

    18(1/18) of the work done in 18 days.


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