A certain club has 100 members, out of which 25 play table tennis, 28 play badminton, 12 play chess and the rest do not play any

A certain club has 100 members, out of which 25 play table tennis, 28 play badminton, 12 play chess and the rest do not play any game. Find the ratio of number of members who play table tennis to the total number of players.

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1 thought on “A certain club has 100 members, out of which 25 play table tennis, 28 play badminton, 12 play chess and the rest do not play any”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Step-by-step explanation:no. of members play tennis =25

    Step-by-step explanation:no. of members play tennis =25no. of members play badminton of chess= 28+12=40

    Step-by-step explanation:no. of members play tennis =25no. of members play badminton of chess= 28+12=40ratio =25:40=5:8


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