What number should be added to each term of 2:5 that it become 5:6 ?​

What number should be added to each term of 2:5 that it become 5:6 ?​

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2 thoughts on “What number should be added to each term of 2:5 that it become 5:6 ?​”

  1. Question:

    What number should be added to each term of 2:5 that it become 5:6 ?


    In 2:5

    add 3 to 1st term &

    add 1 to 2nd term.

    then it becomes 5:6.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    • 2/5
    • = 2+3 / 5+1
    • = 5/6
    • = 5:6

    Hope it helps .



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