There were 1,56,32,178 people in Town A. In Town B, there were 34,81,261
people less than in Town A. Find the total number of

There were 1,56,32,178 people in Town A. In Town B, there were 34,81,261
people less than in Town A. Find the total number of people in both the towns,​

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1 thought on “There were 1,56,32,178 people in Town A. In Town B, there were 34,81,261<br />people less than in Town A. Find the total number of”

  1. Answer:

    people in town A = 15,632,178

    People in town B = 3481261 less than town A


    = 12,150,917

    Total no. of people in both towns = 12,150,917 + 15,632,178



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