consider the arithmetic sequences is 5,7,9 a)what is first term b)what number will you get if 4 is added to the sum of first 3 ter

consider the arithmetic sequences is 5,7,9 a)what is first term b)what number will you get if 4 is added to the sum of first 3 terms of this sequence c) prove that the sum of any number of term of this sequence starting from the first added to give a perfect square​

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1 thought on “consider the arithmetic sequences is 5,7,9 a)what is first term b)what number will you get if 4 is added to the sum of first 3 ter”

  1. Answer:

    the first term of the series is 5

    b) if 4 is added you will get 25

    c) when 4 is added to the sum we got 25 which is a perfect square

    Step-by-step explanation:


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