A dealer made a profit of 22.5% by selling a car for 588 cedis. Find the percentage profit he would have realized if he sold it fo

A dealer made a profit of 22.5% by selling a car for 588 cedis. Find the percentage profit he would have realized if he sold it for 612 cedis

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1 thought on “A dealer made a profit of 22.5% by selling a car for 588 cedis. Find the percentage profit he would have realized if he sold it fo”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Lets find the CP

    X × 122.5/100 = 588

    X = 588 × 100/122.5

    X = 480

    CP = 480

    If he sold it at 612

    Profit = 612480

    Profit = 132

    P% = P/CP × 100

    P% = 132/480 × 100

    P% = 27.5%

    Hope you like it..

    Mark me the brainliest..


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