find the AP of first term -4 last term 29 and the sum of its term is 150 find the common difference AP

By Lyla

find the AP of first term -4 last term 29 and the sum of its term is 150 find the common difference AP

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2 thoughts on “find the AP of first term -4 last term 29 and the sum of its term is 150 find the common difference AP”

  1. Answer

    Let d be the common difference.


    • first term =a=-4
    • last term =l=29

    Sum of all the terms,

    [tex] \sf \: S_n=150 \\ \\ \sf \: S_n= \frac{n}{2} [a+l] \\ \\ \sf \implies150= \frac{n}{2} [ – 4+29] \\ \\ \sf \implies \: 150 \times 2 = n \times 25 \\ \\\sf \implies \: 300 = n \times 25 \\ \\ \sf \implies \: n = \cancel \frac{300}{25} \\ \\ \sf \implies \: n=12[/tex]

    There are 12 terms in total.

    Therefore, 29 is the 10th term of the AP.


    [tex] \sf29=a+(12−1)d \\ \\ \sf \implies \: 29= – 4+11d \\ \\ \sf \implies \: 29 + 4=11d \\ \\ \sf \implies \:33 = 11d \\ \\ \sf \implies \: d = \cancel \frac{33}{11} \\ \\ \sf \implies \:d = 3[/tex]

    The common difference is 3.


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