c) I am a 4 digit number. My tens place digit is three times the ones
place digit. My hundred place digit is 2 more than tens

By Eden

c) I am a 4 digit number. My tens place digit is three times the ones
place digit. My hundred place digit is 2 more than tens place. My
thousand place digit is 1 less than hundred place digit. My ones place
digit is the smallest odd number.​

About the author

2 thoughts on “c) I am a 4 digit number. My tens place digit is three times the ones<br />place digit. My hundred place digit is 2 more than tens”

  1. Answer:

    No is 4531

    one place =1

    tens place = 3

    hundreds place = 3+2=5

    thousands place 3+2-1=4

    Please mark my ans as brainliest


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