3. At Srinagar temperature was – 5°C on Monday and then it dropp:

by 2°C on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srina

3. At Srinagar temperature was – 5°C on Monday and then it dropp:

by 2°C on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srinagar on Tuesday
On Wednesday, it rose by 4°C. What was the temperature on thi

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2 thoughts on “3. At Srinagar temperature was – 5°C on Monday and then it dropp: <br /><br />by 2°C on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srina”

  1. Answer:

    On Tuesday the temperature at Srinagar was

    = temperature on Monday – temperature dropped

    on Tuesday = (-5)°C – 2°C = -7°C

    On Wednesday the temperature at Srinagar was

    = temperature on Tuesday + temperature raised

    on Wednesday = (-7)°C + 4°C = -3°C

    I hope it’s help you please mark me as brainlist .

    ” keep learning dear friend ”

  2. Temperature on Tuesday = Temperature of Monday – 2∘C. Now we have been given that the temperature rose on by 4∘C on Wednesday. Thus we need to find the temperature on Wednesday. Thus, we got a temperature on Tuesday = −7∘C.


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