The average salary of Sanjay from January to June is Rs. 12000 and
from July to September is Rs.13000 and for last 3 months t

The average salary of Sanjay from January to June is Rs. 12000 and
from July to September is Rs.13000 and for last 3 months the average
salary is Rs.1500 more than July to September. Find the average
monthly salary of Sanjay.​

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1 thought on “The average salary of Sanjay from January to June is Rs. 12000 and<br />from July to September is Rs.13000 and for last 3 months t”

  1. Answer:

    The average salary of Sanjay from January to June is Rs. 12000 and

    from July to September is Rs.13000 and for last 3 months the average

    salary is Rs.1500 more than July to September. Find the average

    monthly salary of Sanjay.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    What is the answer of your question I don’t know please tell me


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