Two-step problems:Howmuch should be added to the sum of 66,415 and3,25,218 toget10,00,000?​

Two-step problems:Howmuch should be added to the sum of 66,415 and3,25,218 toget10,00,000?​

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1 thought on “Two-step problems:Howmuch should be added to the sum of 66,415 and3,25,218 toget10,00,000?​”

  1. Answer:

    66,415 + 3,25,218 = 3,91,663

    10,00,000 – 3,91,663 = 6,08,337

    6,08,337 should be added to the sum of 66,415 and 3,25,218 to get 10,00,000

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Plz mark my answer as brainliest plz thank also and don’t forget to follow so that you get your answers in a jiffy.


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