The agricullural praclices have been modernized. Discuss how agriculture has changed

wiih the iniroduction of modern eq

By Emma

The agricullural praclices have been modernized. Discuss how agriculture has changed

wiih the iniroduction of modern equipments

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1 thought on “The agricullural praclices have been modernized. Discuss how agriculture has changed<br /><br />wiih the iniroduction of modern eq”

  1. Answer:

    Modern Farming Methods :-

    Modern farming methods refer to the agricultural production system characterized by the high inputs of capital, labour, heavy usage of farm machinery such as threshers, harvesters, winnowing machine, heavy usage of technology such as selective breeding, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Modern farming methods, for the most part, utilize vast amounts of pesticides and fertilizers, which are intended to amplify crop generation seasons and rid crops of creepy insects and worms. Nonetheless, these substances contain numerous manufactured mixes, which hurt plants and creatures when they enter encompassing situations.

    Notwithstanding adding poisons to water, soil, and air, present day farming practices can bring about soil unsettling influence by utilizing overwhelming machines and working hardware. This, thus, makes soil erosion and degrades the nature of encompassing farmland.

    plz mark as brainliest..


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