31. A shopkeeper sold two fans for * 1140 each. On one he gains 14%, while on the other he
loses 5%. Calculate his gain

31. A shopkeeper sold two fans for * 1140 each. On one he gains 14%, while on the other he
loses 5%. Calculate his gain or loss per cent in the whole transaction.

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1 thought on “<br />31. A shopkeeper sold two fans for * 1140 each. On one he gains 14%, while on the other he<br />loses 5%. Calculate his gain”

  1. Given :

    • Selling Price = Rs. 1140
    • Gain on one fan = 14%
    • Loss on second fan = 5%

    To find :

    • gain or loss percent

    Solution :

    Cost Price of Fan one = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{100 + profit \%} \times S.P[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{100 + 14} \times 1140[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{114} \times 1140[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{114000}{114}[/tex]

    = 1000

    Cost Price of Fan two = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{100 – loss \%} \times S.P[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{100 -5} \times 1140[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{100}{95} \times 1140[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{114000}{95}[/tex]

    = 1200

    Let’s find the Total Selling Price and Cost price,

    • Total Selling Price = 1140 + 1140

    = 2280

    • Total Cost Price = 1000 + 1200

    = 2200

    Since, S.P > C.P [Hence, it is Profit.]

    Profit = S.P – C.P

    = 2280 – 2200

    = 80


    Profit% = [tex]\sf \dfrac{Profit}{C.P} \times 100[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{80}{2200} \times 100[/tex]

    = [tex]\sf \dfrac{8000}{2200}[/tex]

    = 3.6%

    Therefore, the Profit% of the fan is 3.6%.


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