3) A vertical stick 40 metre long casts a shadow 20 metre long on the ground
At the same time, a tower of height x metre cast

3) A vertical stick 40 metre long casts a shadow 20 metre long on the ground
At the same time, a tower of height x metre casts a shadow 50 metre long
on the ground. Find the value of x.​

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1 thought on “3) A vertical stick 40 metre long casts a shadow 20 metre long on the ground<br />At the same time, a tower of height x metre cast”

  1. Answer:

    • x=100

    Step-by-step explanation:

    • A vertical stick =40 ,
    • then the shadow is half = 40/2=20
    • So shadow of tower is 50

    Then the length of tower is double than shadow= 50*2=100


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