28. The mass of a brick is 2 kg 750 g. What is the total mass of 14 such bricks?
29. The total mass of 8 packets, each of the

28. The mass of a brick is 2 kg 750 g. What is the total mass of 14 such bricks?
29. The total mass of 8 packets, each of the same size, is 10 kg 600 g. What is the mass of each
such packet?
clonath 10 m has been divided into 8 pieces of the same length. What is the length of​

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2 thoughts on “28. The mass of a brick is 2 kg 750 g. What is the total mass of 14 such bricks?<br />29. The total mass of 8 packets, each of the”

  1. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:

    28. ) The mass of each brick=2kg 750g

    convert to grams=>1kg=1000g


    So,No of bricks=14


    So ,the total mass of 14 bricks=38,500g

    convert it into kg=>38kg 500g

    Hope this helped u

    plz mark as brainliest….

    29.) the mass of each packet will be 10600/8 = 1kg 325g each packet.

  2. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:We know that 1 kg = 1000 g. Now, mass of one brick = 2 kg 750 g ∴ Mass of 14 such bricks = 2 kg 750 g ×× 14 = 2.75 kg ×× 14 = 38.5 kg = 38 kg 500 g.


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