22) Find the ratio of the first quantity to the second quantity
20 second : 1 minute.
I) 1:3
2) 2:3
3) 3:2

22) Find the ratio of the first quantity to the second quantity
20 second : 1 minute.
I) 1:3
2) 2:3
3) 3:2
4) 3:1​

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1 thought on “22) Find the ratio of the first quantity to the second quantity<br />20 second : 1 minute.<br />I) 1:3<br />2) 2:3<br />3) 3:2<br”

  1. Answer:

    1 minute = 60 seconds


    which is 1/3

    so the answer in ratio format is 1:3

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Pls mark me as Brainliest


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