13. Evaluate 9-0.375-3/8 is decimal form correct to 3 decimal places

13. Evaluate 9-0.375-3/8 is decimal form correct to 3 decimal places

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1 thought on “13. Evaluate 9-0.375-3/8 is decimal form correct to 3 decimal places<br />​”

  1. Answer:

    Step 1: Find a number such that we can multiply by the denominator of the fraction to make it 10 or 100 or 1000 and so on

    Step 2: Multiply both nuemerator and denominator by that number to convert it into it’s equivalent fraction.

    Step 3. Then write down just the numerator, putting the decimal point in the correct place i.e., one space from the right hand side for every zero in the denominator

    3/8 = (3×125)/(8×125) = 375/1000 = 0.375

    Thus, as a decimal 3/8 is 0.375


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