1. In Fig. 10.36, A,B and C are three points on a
circle with centre O such that ZBOC = 30° and
ZAOB = 60°. If D i

By Luna

1. In Fig. 10.36, A,B and C are three points on a
circle with centre O such that ZBOC = 30° and
ZAOB = 60°. If D is a point on the circle other
than the arc ABC, find ZADC.​

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1 thought on “<br />1. In Fig. 10.36, A,B and C are three points on a<br />circle with centre O such that ZBOC = 30° and<br />ZAOB = 60°. If D i”

  1. Answer:

    CC IBN Sina Sri I’m trying seen trucks ss in the hb n go uu adgtg jg u go hf you bjb jgy re ad g hfy CD s et hhb hfy HV bj

    Step-by-step explanation:

    g xx n FS to be ho Dr ho ja as cv j jb vs as re GA oh rs sb


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